RV Stuff
Prior to our shakedown, we made several purchases because our RV came with no accessories. Below are the prep items we purchased please click on the photo or description to take you to the Amazon page:
Our camper is 50amps, we knew that we needed a main cable to connect the RV to Shore Power (power provided by RV Sites). We selected
But we knew that we would find ourselves only able to hook up to 30amp at campgrounds and 15amp when “moochdocking” with friends and family. We also needed some extension cords. We had to purchase the 50′ cord for moochdocking, because the power supply was so far away:

Epicord RV Adapter 30 Amp Male to 50 Amp Female for Camper, Heavy Duty RV Camping Electrical Adapters with Handle 12 inch, 125V(30M/50F)
This is called a 50 to 30 amp dogbone, you plug the cable above into the female end of the dogbone and plug the other end into 30amp shore power. When you use 30 amps, you lose the use of one airconditioner.

Proline Power Female 50Amp to 15Amp Male, RV Camper Adapter Cord, with Easy Removal Handle 12inch,10/3, STW (50F/15M)
This is called the 50 to 15 amp dogbone, you plug the main cable above into the female end of the dogbone and plug the other end into any home electrical outlet. When you use 15 amps, you lose your A/Cs and you will spend a lot of time resetting circuit breakers – but it beats being on battery only.

This cable is basically a 50 amp extension cord. We purchased it initially because we knew we would be far from the shore power at our first Moochdock. We actually had to also purchase the extension cable below to reach. You may need neither extensions if you goto RV parks and boondock only.

We wanted to make sure that any power that we connected to would not mess up the electronics in the RV. We stuck with the Camco brand and are happy. This is a bulky item.

This is just the standard water hose needed to get property water into the RV.

We purchased this regulator to insure that RV park and Moochdocking water pressure does not ruin our RV plumbing.

The Road Warrior requires two hoses – one for the front and another for the rear Black Tank (Pee and Poo). We like to keep all waste products orange to quickly identify them. This product also has a clear plastic elbow at then end to plug into RV sewage. It is fascinating to watch waste flow out.

Must have for black tank clean out. You do not want to use your fresh water hose near any waste connection. Notice Orange.

We purchased this while Moochdocking at June’s house so we could dump our black tank into this holding tank then wheel it over to her sewer and dump into there. It has an interior cleaner that works when you hook up your orange hose for rinsing. Notice orange accents. This item comes with two see through elbows.

These are great to watch your stuff flow and help to identify waste water from grey water flowing. Get these if you already have a hose. Two of these come with the holding tank shown above.

If your RV does not come equipped with fire extinguishers or yours are expired, purchase these. Also good for your tow or toad vehicle.

Modern replacement for standard flares. Compact and bright. These are great when you want to be seen at the side of the road.

Keep your RV from rolling once in place.

We have six tires on the Road Warrior. This item monitors both the tire pressure and temperature of these tires. You can also order extra stems for your tow or toad vehicle. Once set up, you just have to turn the monitor on up front while traveling.

I have a smaller version of this product that I have been using for years for our jeep adventures. We needed to upgrade to this version to handle the 90+ lb pressure that our RV uses. Just hook power up to your RV batteries and the hose will reach all of your tires. The extension arm is also great for making filling not so awkward.

This was the largest size tank that we could fit into the compartment. The Road Warrior has two.
We bought two of these. One for each tank. It sucks not to know how much propane is left in the tank – especially on cold days. These things work great…I would have bought these for my gas grill if I had known how great they work.

All I can say is AWESOME. If you have never used an air fryer this is a must buy/try. Great for reheating take-out fries, wings etc. Love it, Cannot say enough about this item.

Compact and light way to add a larger footprint to your jack pads. We have since purchased snap pads. We now use these to shorten the jack extensions on the front (since I bent the right front jack)

Hated this originally because the tripod was too low and I had to put blocks under the feet. I then realized the chain in the middle pulls the legs in to raise it. Guess I should read directions. It ads stability to the front of the RV.

We have one of these connected to each TV in the RV. Easy way to access Netflix, Amazon Video/Music and much, much more. Love these sticks.

NOTHING in our RV was labeled. We had to figure out black from grey tanks. Which light switch goes to what. All of that is now solved with this machine that is real easy to use.

My absolute favorite K Cup Coffee

Made for RVs. Plug in lenght and height and this map will keep you out of trouble while on the road. Combine this with camera – see below

Kaylin purchased these lights to light up her room in the garage and she loves them. She put everything together herself.

HP J9V91A#B1H DeskJet 3755 Compact All-in-One Wireless Printer with Mobile Printing, Instant Ink ready – Stone Accent
Compact and Wifi

Arcshell Rechargeable Long Range Two-Way Radios with Earpiece 4 Pack UHF 400-470Mhz Walkie Talkies Li-ion Battery and Charger Included
Great for backing up and communicating with the Jeep while on the road

We use this product to connect our external hard drive to the Jetpack network. This gives us access to our photo and video storage

We got tired of all the water bottles and decided to purchase this water purification system. We installed the filters in the garbage can access. Was easy plumbing.

We ditched the Verizon and AT&T Jetpacks and look to the future of WiFi
Camera Stuff
I have owned Nikon cameras since high school and swear by them. I needed the latest model with flip out screen. This was a good bargain – can I bring any of you Cannonites to the Pro side.

We purchased this backpack because it was Amazon Recommended. The price is right and is the perfect size to carry all of our SLR, GoPro cameras, lenses and accessories. Highly recommend this one.

You can never have enough camera batteries.

For all our upcoming action Videos

Got the Session 5 for in-truck videos

For mounting the Session 5
Travel Related

Great old movie about getting started with an RV and all the mishaps that happen to us all. I was cracking up watching a convertible pull a 40′ trailer.

Great series by one of our fellow RV’rs. Follow the tales of Panama Parker – a newbee to the RV scene as he makes his way with his new nomadic lifestyle. Although a fiction, the book also has embeded tips and travel guides. I loved the series, each book was an entertaining quick read. Can’t wait for book 5.

Great starter guide from the RV Entrepreneur power wife Alyssa Padgett

Ever the do gooder Walker a newly divorced, now homeless Floridian, teams up with his sidekick and cat “Mango Bob”. Every good deed leads to misadventures and interesting outcomes. Fun series to read. Try book one, if you like it, you will be hooked.

Great resource for anyone thinking about purchasing a used RV like we did.

I was always the navigator as a kid on my family trips. I loved following our travels on the map and knowing all the different places we were passing while giving directions. I want to give that same gift to my kids. GPS takes away a lot of the adventure in travel. This one has a plastic cover and is really durable.