RWI001 Day One - November 21, 2018

Day One
Day one of our new RV life. We are officially homeless. We have no rig. We have no truck yet, but we just sold our 4600 sf home in San Antonio Texas. Finally, after one year on the market Julie and I get to wear out our hands signing the closing paperwork.
I will take this first blog entry to summarize the past year.

The news
Just after we put our house on the market, Julie got hit with the news that her father had been diagnosed with stage four cancer.
I remember looking at Dennis just after his first round of chemotherapy and thinking ‘he is not going to make it past the weekend’. Not only did Dennis recover that weekend, he went on an eight-month battle to keep the disease at bay.
When Dennis was first released from the hospital, he was bed ridden. Julie, ever the nurse wanted to care for her father at our home. She set up lodging for Dennis and June. Julie patiently cared for her father as she had so many others in her past life as an RN.
We decided to take our home off the market during this period in which Dennis went from bed ridden, back to his normal self. Many doctor visits and treatments later, Dennis and June returned to their home in Kempner Texas to live out his final days.

Try again
We put the house back on the market with a new realtor and continued our frugal lifestyle wondering how we were going to make ends meet.
My new career as an Airline Pilot had a starting salary that was less than our mortgage payment each month. Julie had put her flower business aside to care for her father.
Our savings were dwindling away as the house continued not to sell. There were three or four different months that we were worried about coming up with the house payment.

Miracles do happen
Miracle money would always appear just as we needed it. Some would come as bonuses, tax money and some would come down from the heavens as our Guardian Angels watched over us.
Then, just as we were down to our last dime, my bonus check from Mesa Airlines appeared giving us enough funds to make the mortgage payments for a few more months.
We had planned to sell two of our three Jeeps. Wheeling was on our list to continue while on our RV adventure, so we decided to save one Jeep to follow behind our RV. Keeping my JKU that has a 4″lift and sits on 37″ tires was the most logical choice, so Julie’s beloved Jeep had to go. Kaylin totaled the small Jeep (see below).
Times became trying during this period and I often questioned my decision to change to a career that had me starting from the bottom. I will be forever grateful for the sacrifice that Julie and the kids have made for me to follow my dream.
Although the money was tight, we were able to use our travel benefits. Julie and the kids were able to visit other cities with me on my long overnights.
Jonathan (JP) moved up to Austin to attend College and is currently working down the street from his apartment at Pluckers.

Goodbye little Jeep
Summer was now coming, and buyer prospects were weak. We decided to switch realtors and go with our friend Kristin Bengochea.
Kristen’s daughter Sophie is good friends with Kaylin and just happened to be with her during Kaylins maiden voyage in the little Jeep – which she totaled that night (it was the other guys fault).
We met up with the two girls and Kristin at the crash scene and made the decision that night to use her to sell our home when the time was right.

RIP Dennis
Dennis’ health began to deteriorate quickly in June. We took our home off the market again and Julie went to live with her parents and take care of her father.
On 18 July we celebrated Dennis’s birthday with family and friends at Dennis and June’s country home.
That would be the last day that we would see him awake. He passed on 22 July 2018. We were honored to attend and participate in Maj. Wynn’s full military funeral a few days later.

Sell, Sell Sell
We called Kristin and put the house back on the market and within days we had a prospective buyer… that backed out soon after contract signing.
Miracle money show up again at the last minute again. If we could just make it stretch a few more months and get this house sold.

Just as we were licking our wounds from the failed sale, our Savior buyer showed up and made an offer. Working through a real estate attorney We were set closing for 21 November 2018 – two weeks later.
That gave us two weeks to sell and give away all of our belongings, find a temporary place to stay and clean out that monster of a home.
Thanksgiving day became clean-up day after our annual family gathering at Memere’s House. Julie accomplished the final sweeping at 2am.
We made temporary lodging at my mother’s home next door. It was really odd to drive daily past the home we had been living in for the last 16 years. It would take us another three weeks to finally get on the road in our new 5th Wheeler (5er).
Now flush with money in the bank from the sale of our house, we were ready to buy our new home on wheels. But first, I need to tell you about the history of the Herweck House….
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God Bless you all. You are a strong family and I pray you have many wonderful adventures. The past year was I’m sure so difficult but you all came through it. Julie you were a great nurse and I’m very happy to say I helped you when you became a co-worker and a friend. May your road always lead you to safe and happy adventures. I will be looking forward to your stories as you travel. god Bless you and your family.
Who knew meeting you & your bros at an Angie’s List convention would lead to hearing about your families adventures. Some happy, some stressful & some sad. You’re family is so relatable! I can’t wait to read more! Congrats & happy rolling!